Best Smart Refrigerators: A Comprehensive Review and Buying Guide

Are you on the hunt for the best smart refrigerators to upgrade your kitchen? Our comprehensive reviews and comparisons will help you navigate the myriad of options and smart features to find the fridge that’s just right for you. Whether it’s energy-saving technology, design finesse, or food-preserving innovations, our guide has you covered.

Quick Overview: Top Picks for Smart Refrigerators

Best High End

Bosch 800 Series: Best High-End Smart Refrigerator

Ah, the Bosch 800 Series, the Rolls Royce of smart refrigerators. If you’re looking to splurge on a high-end model, the Bosch smart refrigerator is the fridge to beat. It not only scores high on style but also excels in functionality and smart features. The French door design adds a touch of elegance, while the spacious interior and smart features like remote monitoring and door open alerts make it a joy to use.

However, all that glitz and glam come with a hefty price tag. And while the handles have a sleek stainless steel look, they are partially made of plastic, which might not sit well with some. In the end, the Bosch 800 Series is a luxury item that delivers an impressive performance. If you have the budget for it, it’s definitely worth considering.

Best Door-in-Door Design

GE Smart Refrigerator: Best Door-in-Door Design

The GE Smart Refrigerator is all about convenience. The fridge door features a Door-in-Door design, which is a game-changer, allowing you to grab your favorite snacks and drinks without opening the entire smart fridge. This not only keeps the cold air in but also saves energy in the long run. The refrigerator also features an adjustable temperature drawer with a removable bin caddy, offering flexible storage options.

However, the price is not listed, which might be a downside for some. But if you can look past that, the GE Smart Refrigerator offers a great blend of style, convenience, and smart features. It’s a solid choice if you’re looking for a refrigerator with a door-in-door design.

Best Customizable Smart Refrigerator

Samsung Bespoke Side-by-Side

Samsung knows how to make a statement, and their Bespoke Side-by-Side refrigerator is no exception. With its swappable panels and above-average functionality, it’s both a beauty and a beast. This smart fridge offers substantial storage, excellent temperature control, and a cleverly designed beverage center.

However, it’s not all roses. The crisper drawers don’t hold humidity well, and the bespoke customization options are somewhat limited. But if these drawbacks don’t bother you, the Samsung Bespoke Side-by-Side is a unique and high-performance refrigerator that adds a touch of personality to your kitchen.

Best Overall Performance


The LG LMXS28596S is the star quarterback of LG smart refrigerators. It scores high in almost every category, making it the top pick for overall performance. Here are some of its standout features:

  • Spacious interior
  • Adjustable shelves
  • Door-in-Door feature
  • Smart Cooling Plus technology

These features make it a joy to use, while ensuring your food stays fresh for longer.

However, it’s not without its downsides. The high price tag might be a deal-breaker for some, and a few users reported issues with the ice maker. But if you’re looking for a smart refrigerator that delivers top-notch performance and is packed with features, the LG LMXS28596S is a solid choice.

Best Budget-Friendly

Samsung RS22T5561SR

The Samsung RS22T5561SR is like the little engine that could. Despite its lower price tag, it packs a punch with its:

  • Sleek design
  • Family Hub™ for smart home management
  • Metal Cooling technology
  • Internal camera for remote viewing

It’s an excellent choice for those on a budget looking for a smart fridge that doesn’t skimp on features.

Best Fingerprint-Resistant Design

Samsung RF29A9671SR Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator

The Samsung RF29A9671SR Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator keeps bothersome fingerprints at bay. Its fingerprint-resistant finish keeps it looking clean and sleek, even after daily use. The refrigerator also features a Family Hub screen and built-in cameras for added convenience, making it one of the top choices among french door refrigerators.

Best Luxury

Monogram Stainless Steel Built In Counter Depth Side-by-Side

The Monogram® 48 in. 28.6 Cu. Ft. Stainless Steel Built In Counter Depth Side-by-Side Refrigerator features:

  • 28.6 cu. ft. of capacity
  • Wi-Fi compatibility
  • Ice maker
  • Water dispenser

This fridge is a dream for those in need of ample storage space and added convenience.

However, the price might be a downside for some. But if you have the space for it and need a refrigerator that can handle large storage needs, the Monogram® 48 in. refrigerator is a great choice.

Best Large Capacity

LG 30.7 Cu. Ft. French Door Refrigerator

When it comes to capacity, bigger is usually better, and the LG 30.7 Cu. Ft. French Door Refrigerator doesn’t disappoint. With a whopping 30.7 cu. ft. of storage space, you’ll have all the room you need for your food items. Plus, it comes with a Craft Ice™ feature and Mirror InstaView® for a better user experience.

Best Built-In Design

Café CYE22TP2MS1

The Café CYE22TP2MS1 is all about style. With its counter-depth design, it seamlessly fits into kitchen cabinetry for a sleek and integrated appearance. Plus, it comes with a hot water dispenser and Wi-Fi Connect for remote control and monitoring.

Choosing Your Ideal Smart Refrigerator: Key Considerations

With all the details we’ve covered, you might feel somewhat overwhelmed. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you make a final decision. When buying a smart refrigerator, consider the following:

  • Your needs and preferences
  • The amount of storage space you require
  • Specific smart features you are looking for
  • Your preference for a particular style or design
  • Your budget

Taking these factors into consideration will help you make an informed decision.

Remember, the ideal smart refrigerator for you is the one that matches your lifestyle and needs. Whether you need a refrigerator with a large capacity, a built-in design, or a budget-friendly option, there’s a smart refrigerator out there for you.

Understanding Smart Refrigerator Features

Smart refrigerators, as part of the larger family of smart devices, boast an array of features designed to simplify your life. With all the smart features, such as Wi-Fi connectivity that allows you to control your refrigerator from your smartphone to built-in cameras that let you check what’s inside your fridge while you’re at the grocery store, these modern smart refrigerators take convenience to a whole new level.

But it’s not just about convenience. Many smart refrigerators also come with features that help keep your food fresh for longer. For example, some models have separate cooling systems for the fridge and freezer compartments to maintain optimal humidity and temperature levels. Others have a SuperCooling function that rapidly drops the temperature to keep your food fresh when you add new items.

Decoding Smart Refrigerator Specifications

Deciphering smart refrigerator specifications can be somewhat complex, but it’s key to making a sound decision. These specifications tell you everything you need to know about the refrigerator’s:

  • Size
  • Capacity
  • Energy efficiency
  • Cooling technology
  • Smart features

Understanding these specifications will help you choose the right smart refrigerator for your needs.

For example, when choosing a refrigerator, there are several important specifications to consider:

  • Dimensions (height, width, and depth) to ensure it will fit in your kitchen
  • Total capacity to determine how much food you can store
  • Energy Star rating to assess energy efficiency
  • Type of refrigerator (French door, side-by-side, etc.)
  • Whether it has a built-in water and ice dispenser
  • If it’s Wi-Fi enabled

Considering these specifications will help you find the right refrigerator for your needs.

Making Your Final Choice: Tips to Buy a Smart Refrigerator

Now that you’re equipped with all this information, you’re ready to finalize your choice. Here are a few additional tips to help you buy the perfect smart refrigerator:

  • Consider your budget
  • Measure your space carefully
  • Check the energy efficiency
  • Read user reviews
  • Don’t forget about the warranty

While it might be tempting to go for the refrigerator with the most features, remember that the best refrigerator for you is the one that fits your specific needs and lifestyle. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast looking for the latest smart features or a large family needing a lot of storage space, there’s a smart refrigerator out there for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the weaknesses of smart refrigerators?

Smart refrigerators can be quite expensive and have a lot of features and settings that can be confusing to navigate and set up. Consider these factors before making a significant investment for your home.

How long do smart fridges last?

Smart fridges typically last between 8 to 15 years. This means you might have to go appliance shopping sooner than you think.

Which technology is best in refrigerator?

Inverter technology is best for refrigerators because it provides efficient cooling and is energy-conscious. It also features a water dispenser and auto-defrost to make your life easier.

What makes a refrigerator smart?

A refrigerator is considered smart when it can connect to Wi-Fi, allowing you to manage it from your phone, receive updates, and control settings, including seeing inside in real-time. So, the ability to connect to Wi-Fi and be managed from your phone makes a refrigerator smart.

What are some common features of smart refrigerators?

Smart refrigerators commonly have Wi-Fi connectivity, touchscreen displays, internal cameras, and work with virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. These features help you stay organized and connected with your kitchen, making your life easier.